Calling Sahasra OTT Release Date: Calling Sahasra is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language thriller cum comedy film directed by Arun Vikkirala and produced by Vijesh Kumar Tayal, Chiranjeevi Pamidi, Venkateswarulu Katuri under Shadow Media Productions & Radha arts. The cast includes Sudigali Sudheer, Dollysha, Spandana Palli, Siva balaji & Others. Mohith Rahmaniac scored music. The film was scheduled for tehatrical release on 01st December 2023. The trailer opened to mixed reviews from the critics.
Presenting you the OTT updates of Teluug suspense thriller “Calling Sahasra”, starring Sudigali Sudheer and Dollysha, directed by Arun Vikkirala. Brace yourself for this binge experience very soon. On this page, you can track the Calling Sahasra OTT Release Date, calling sahasra OTT price, calling sahasra digital rights and much more information of this film.
Calling Sahasra OTT Release Date
Movie Name | Calling Sahasra (2023) |
Language | Telugu |
Writers | Arun Vikkirala |
Director | Arun Vikkirala |
BGM | Mark K Robin |
Music | Mohith Rahmaniac |
Producer | Vijesh Kumar Tayal, Chiranjeevi Pamidi, Venkateswarulu Katuri |
Cast | Sudigali Sudheer and Dollysha, directed by Arun Vikkirala |
Calling Sahasra OTT Partner:
Aha OTT platform and Amazon Prime Video are in the front line to aquire the digital rights of Calling Sahasra. Team has also not firmed about the OTT platform. However, we learnt that Telugu OTT platform Aha is in talks with Calling Sahasra team to negotiate on the Digital rights of the film.
Based on the ongoing events and information from relevant OTT sources we found that Calling Sahasra digital rights are with Aha OTT platform.
OTT Price of Calling Sahasra:
Latest reports suggests that makers are in talks with leading OTT platforms in Tollywood, Amazon Prime Video and aha OTT app. Both the platforms are trying to grab the digital rights but the makers are expecting high price considering on the success of Sudheer’s previous films , Viz. Software Sudheer and others.
Calling Sahasra OTT Release Date:
Popular OTT platform Amazon Prime Video bagged the digital rights of Calling Sahasra for a whopping amount. The movie would be available on Prime Video in India from first day of New Year 2024.
January 01, 2024 (Prime Video)